Article: Welcome to Investor Relations and Sustainable Finance
Reports, Investor updates, bonds and ratings
Here you will find access to the Investor Relations Website
Annual reports | Interim reports | Interactive key figures comparison

Here you can download the financial reports of DB Group.
→ Interactive key figures comparison
Bonds and credit ratings | DB Finance GmbH | Financing strategy and programs

The DB Group primarily issues bonds via DB Finance GmbH (DB Finance), the Group's financing company.
DB AG’s creditworthiness is evaluated by international credit ratings agencies Moody´s and S&P Global Ratings on an ongoing basis.
Sustainability | ESG ratings and rankings

DB Group's sustainability reporting and financial reporting are integrated and published annually in the form of DB Group's Integrated Report and Integrated Interim Report.
DB AG sustainability ratings:
Contact and service | IR news | IR presentations

If you wish to receive hardcopies, please use the order form or get in touch with us via e-mail.
- IR news: Here you will find current news regarding DB Group.
- IR presentations: Here you will find IR presentations for downloading.
The IR team
If you have any questions about Investor Relations or would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Robert Strehl (Head of Investor Relations and Sustainable Finance), Sascha Friedrich (Senior Manager Investor Relations), Katharina Czogalla (Manager Investor Relations and Sustainable Finance), Janine Oelze (Manager Investor Relations and Sustainable Finance), Greta Zolik (Manager Investor Relations and Sustainable Finance) and Björn Schierholz (Manager Investor Relations and Sustainable Finance).