Article: Social responsibility at Deutsche Bahn
With more than 300,000 employees worldwide, billions of passengers and a wide array of business partners, Deutsche Bahn plays a major role in society. As a pillar of society, we have a responsibility to bear and are measured by our actions.
Sustainability is a firm component of our Strong Rail strategy. We take social responsibility, in line with our basic approach as a company.
Multifaceted social engagement
At Deutsche Bahn, we have been practicing corporate social responsibility for a long time and across all divisions; this includes our role as a fair employer, sustainable and transparent supply chains, the protection and promotion of human rights, taking on corporate digital responsibility and handling our historical responsibility with a special culture of remembrance. The DB Group partners with the Deutsche Bahn Foundation and the BSW & EWH Foundation Family to support this multifaceted social engagement.
Our key stakeholders are at the heart of our social responsibility. We have a special bond with them, be they our employees, customers and business partners or society as a whole.
Four standpoints as a compass of social values
Four standpoints shape our actions and provide orientation for us and our stakeholders. They line up with our fundamental convictions and our social value compass at Deutsche Bahn:
We take responsibility for our history
This provides us with clear guidance for our social responsibility and allows us to take a systematic approach. We derive our specific actions from these four standpoints. The four standpoints thus include more than 20 key focus areas with many individual activities and initiatives. For example, we support refugees in a variety of ways, help train station missions. and regularly send a strong message advocating diversity and tolerance at Christopher Street Day. That is social responsibility in action. For people.
Further information on social responsibility at Deutsche Bahn at can be found here.